Friday 21 February 2014

Special Words For You..

Sometimes I Hate My Eyes 

Because Its The Only Part
Of My FaCe Which
Can’t HiDe My EmotiOns..!!
I couldn’t tell you
how much I love you,
not even if
the sky was my paper
and the ocean was my ink.
I Love You so much..!!

My Heart is Only For You..

Near to the door
he paused to stand
as he took his class ring
off her hand
all who were watching
did not speak as a silent tear
ran down his cheek
and through his mind
the memories ran
of the moments they walked
and ran in the sand hand and hand
but now her eyes were so terrible cold
for he would never again
have her to hold
they watched in silence                                                

as he bent near
and whispered the words..
“I LOVE YOU” in her ear
he touched her face and started to cry
as he put on his ring and wanted to die
and just then the wind began to blow
as they lowered her casket
into the snow….
this is what happens
to man alive…..
when friends let friends….
drink and drive

I Still Love You..

Stop leading her on,
Her feelings aren’t a joke.                                

If you know she likes you more than a friend
then treat her the way you see her.
If you see her as a friend, then be a friend.
If you see her more than a friend
then do something about it.
But if you just want to play around because she’s “easy”,
and get her hopes up for something that will never happen,
then that’s low of you.
She’s not a game,
neither are her feelings for you!!


Being “SINGLE” Doesn’t
Necessarily Mean
You’re Available.
Sometimes You Have To
Put Up A Sign
That Says,
“Do Not Disturb”
0n Your Heart. . . ! =)

You Are Mine

I call you honey
Because you’re so sweet
I call you angel
Because you’re so beautiful
I call you baby
Because you’re so huggable
I call you cutie
Because you’re the only one I
I call you my love
Because you fill my heart
I call you sunshine
Because you light up my life
I’d love to hear you call me Only Mine.

I love You

You're kissable and cuddly;        

You're lovable and sweet;

You thrill me every minute,

And sweep me off my feet.

    You're charming and disarming,

          Desirable and true.

   You inspire and impress me,

And that's why I love you

No Words About Her Beauty

There are no words to describe how beautiful she is,  

or how special she is,
or my love for her.
To put these things into words would be to define them,
To quantify them, which means to limit them.
There would be a beginning and an end.
There is no definition fitting, nor any limit,
nor beginning or end to her beauty,
or to how special she is, or my love for her.

Don't forget Me

Breath my air and feel          

My love
Kiss my lips and taste
My love
Watch my eyes and see
      My love
Don't forget to be
My love .

You Are My Life

You are the light when there is no sun.   
You are the rainbow after the rain is done.You are the star that twinkles in the night.You are the moon that glows so bright.You are the wind that whistles my name.You are the love when the world is the same.You are the flowers the bee's never miss.You are the beach the warm sun kisses.

I Feel So Happy With You

Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all”  

“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always
 some reason in madness.

“Love, free as air at sight of human ties, Spreads his light wings,
 and in a moment flies.”
“Love asks me no questions, and gives me endless support”

“To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, is the next best thing”

“If you would be loved, love and be lovable.”

“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning
 to see an imperfect person perfectly.” – 

Love is Just Name Of Heart Feelings

The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved.” 

“Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes 
the ride worthwhile”

“The course of true love never did run smooth” 

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot 
be seen or even touched.
 They must be felt with the heart.” 

One Way Love

A one way love can never thrive;   

It needs reciprocation.
And so in order to survive
My love needs affirmation.
So throw your caution to the sky,
And let your heart command.
You'll find that it will not deny
A love which must expand.
Come now, to me, with open arms
And sweep me off my feet;
And then display for me your charms,
To make my love complete.
My one way love will terminate
Without your inspiration.
So, therefore, please reciprocate
With no more hesitation.

A walk to remember

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of

 wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices
 with the truth. It always protects, always trusts,
 always hopes,always perseveres. 
Love never fails.

True Love

Love takes off masks that  
we fear we cannot live without and know 
we cannot live within.

True Feelings

The most precious gift we    
can offer anyone is our attention.
 When mindfulness embraces 
those we love, they will bloom
 like flowers.